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Title IX Procedure Overview

Rowan College at Burlington County seeks to provide a campus environment free from all forms of harassment and discrimination. Students and staff are encouraged to report any incidents of gender-based misconduct, such as 

• Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment

• Title IX Sexual Harassment

• Sexual Assault

• Domestic or Dating Violence

• Stalking

• Retaliation 

RCBC offers options for reporting concerns that involve gender-based misconduct and harassment that may be considered Title IX incidents:

• Confidential reporting is available. For students, the reporting through the identified staff members in Student Support provide an option for either confidential counseling services or both counseling and official reporting. Support for students seeking confidential reporting can make an appointment online through or call (856) 222-9311, ext. 1585 For staff members, confidential counseling is available through the employee resource services via Human Resources.

• Private, non-confidential reporting is available for individuals seeking to report an incident for investigation by the college or other law enforcement office. Students or staff reporting in this manner will also be offered support counseling as the report and investigation process is initiated. An online reporting form is available at

Contact Information for RCBC Title IX Coordinator: 

Reports submitted through the private, non-confidential reporting to a responsible reporter, online reporting form submissions, or reports initiated with the Office of Public Safety are all submitted to the Title IX Coordinator. 

The contact information for the Title IX Coordinator is:

Catherine R. Briggs, Ed.D.
Dean of Student Success / Title IX Coordinator
(856) 242-5391

Additional details regarding reporting forms, investigation processes, responsible reporters, and support resources are available at